Manuka Honey


Nature's Healer


Manuka Honey is a honey that comes from New Zealand. It is produced by bees that pollinate the manuka bush and has been used since the 19th century for healing and antibacterial purposes. Manuka honey contains hydrogen peroxide which helps give the honey its antibiotic properties. Manuka honey also contains methylglyoxal (MG) which comes from dihydroxyacetone, a compound found in the nectar of flowers from the manuka bush. Manuka honey is given a UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) rating which rates the strength and potency of the honey. For a honey to be considered therapeutic it must have a UMF rating of at least 10.

Manuka Honey Benefits

  • Antimicrobial Activity - Manuka honey can be used for wound dressing for minor burns, cuts, abrasions, sore throats and other bacterial infections
  • Antioxidant Activity - This honey also contains antioxidant properties and can help preserve foods naturally to discourage discoloration and rancidity
  • Athletic Performance - Honey can also be used as a pre-workout supplement and can also help muscles recover after a workout
  • Beauty Treatment - Honey helps retain moisture and can be used in face masks, bath oils and hair products
  • Prebiotic Properties - Manuka honey contains healthy bacteria for promoting digestive health
  • Wound/burn treatment
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Eye, ear and sinus infections
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Gingivitis

Side Effects

  • Allergic reaction, especially in people who are allergic to bees
  • Blood sugar rise
  • Interference with chemotherapy drugs

Quick Facts

  • New Zealand Manuka Honey has been used since the 19th century for healing and antibacterial purposes
  • It is produced by bees that pollinate the manuka bush
  • Manuka honey can be used for wound dressing
  • It can also be used as a pre-workout supplement
  • And it can also help muscles recover after a workout
  • The topical application of manuka honey may also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Manuka honey's healing properties have been approved in Australia as being of Theraputic Good
  • Manuka Honey may interfer with chemotherapy drugs